Wonderwhy & Friends Dayparty

Sat May 6th 12:00 | HeadQuarters

On Saturday the 6th of May Copenhagen-based concert agency Wonderwhy Music Company will team up with good friends to create the ultimate day party at SPOT. You are hereby invited into HeadQuarters for summer atmosphere and free, cold beers, while you get to see some of the most interesting Danish acts right now.

The concert and management agency Wonderwhy, which has only existed for approximately a year, works with acts like Guldimund, The New Family, and Skalkeskjul.

The friends are the American indie label IAMSOUND (Florence + the Machine, Banks, Charli XCX, etc.), the Danish music blog Regnsky, and the management agency PHQ Music, who work with Farveblind and AyOwa.

The schedule at HeadQuarters on the 6th of May is as follows:

12.00 – Rebecca Lou (presented by Wonderwhy)
12.50 – Skalkeskjul (presented by Wonderwhy)
13.40 – Farveblind (presented by PHQ Music)
14.30 – Silvester (presented by IAMSOUND)
15.20 – The New Family (presented by Wonderwhy)
16.10 – Guldimund (presented by Wonderwhy)
17.00 – IRAH (presented by Regnsky)