Tilbagemeldingerne på SPOT fra den internationale presse løber ind i disse dage – af den meget rosende slags. Både om SPOT, men også om Aarhus som ramme for festivalen. Senest det engelske online-dagblad The Independent, som i går slog fast:


“The apparent effortlessness of what Spot’s organisers achieve is possibly the most impressive thing about it. Co-ordinating (literally) hundreds of bands and performers spanning everything from Scandi pop, dream-pop and chamber music to Levantine folk (the wonderful Syrian wedding singer Omar Souleyman was in town) and heavy-duty techno (Greenlandic DJ/producer Courtesy) having it all go smoothly is one thing; having that happen in a genuinely relaxed and creative environment is quite another. Spot, though, with all the self-assurance and organisational nous that comes from decades of success in the game, plus a setting of rare charm and beauty, makes it look very easy indeed. “

Og Aarhus by får også flotte ord med på vejen:
“Aarhus (“the City of Smiles”, naturally) is almost unbearably lovely…… and I’d challenge anyone to take a stroll around in the heading-for-balmy Nordic stillness of a May evening there and not have wistful thoughts about moving there.” Læs mere her:

Lære af SPOT…
The Line of Best Fit
(UK) mener lige frem, at den engelske branche kunne lære noget af SPOT:
“Having existed for more than twenty years, SPOT is doing something right and looks like continuing along the same successful path for some time to come. I just hope that somewhere in the UK, someone is taking some notice”. Læs mere her.

Engelske Loud and Quiet slår fast, at SPOT griber festivalformatet anderledes an:
“What Spot manages to do is create something truly different to explore and experience that many other festivals aren’t, which is a glimpse of what potential future headliners from Scandinavia may look like”.

Og roser også Aarhus som ramme for festen:
“Thankfully the constant venue-hopping means you take in plenty of the city, which is genuinely beautiful and a pleasure to be in. … One stage is even constructed over a canal, with groups playing out into the streets as a mixture of young kids with street beers and people sat in the many various cafes and restaurants look on. It’s an excellent use of space in a city that feels full of them.” Læs mere her

Engelske 405 har ligefrem lavet en billed-reportage fra festivalen og gadebilledet:
“…. basking in a glorious bout of spring sunshine that flooded the University city. Aarhus is the joint European Capital of Culture for 2017, and quite frankly has a lot going for it. “ Læs mere her.

Tyske Nothing But Hope And Passion (illustration t.h.) har også noteret sig Aarhus’ specielle arkitektur:
“The city of Aarhus is not only worth a visit when it comes to exploring the music scene there. There is quite a big number of impressive buildings around, too. One of them is the former train station called Godsbanen that is now a centre for cultural production in Aarhus and a spectacular sight.”
Læs mere her.

Mens musiksitet Drowned in Sound (UK) kort og godt skriver:
“Last weekend DiS headed to the city of Aarhus for this year’s edition of SPOT Festival and had an absolute blast“. Læs mere her.

Og så skal vi ikke glemme de store tyske medier som Intro og MusikExpress – førstnævnte fremhæver Aarhus’ “specielle arkitektur og flotte museer“, men sidstnævnte bl.a. kalder SPOT “en af de vigtigste festivaler i Europa når det kommer til præsentation af nye navne“.

Herhjemme har Ekstra Bladet også noteret sig den internationale opmærksomhed:

Læs mere her.

SPOT forventer flere internationale medie-reaktioner i den nærmeste fremtid.